Years ago, I used writing to heal - and now, I write in the hopes that it will help others do the same. In this space, I hope you'll find empathy, companionship, and support for your recovery journey.
I’ve been talking to folks a lot lately, in this time of “fresh starts” and resolutions, about how to tell the difference between a health-promoting goal and a goal that is motivated by something more disordered. It’s easy to confuse the two (or for the two to get confused) but for those in recovery, it’s […]
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I have often said that my patron saints are the feisty ones, the irreverent ones, the people who think deeply and compassionately about the human experience but aren’t afraid to curse a little. As far as I can tell, if we’re paying attention and telling the truth, cursing is hard to avoid. Nadia Bolz Weber […]
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Diet culture equates hard with healthy. It tells you that exercise needs to be sweaty, grueling, and regimented, come hell, highwater, below freezing temperatures, or winter bugs. It tells you that eating needs to be premeditated and mechanical and that meal prep is a nonnegotiable, never mind the fact that you’d rather be sledding with your […]
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I recently had a client tell me, simply, “everything is a lot.” The snow is a lot. The darkness is a lot. The shopping, the presents, the travel, and the parties are a lot. The state of the world is a lot. The global crises (plural). The kids who can’t do a damn thing about […]
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When my son was three-ish years old, he would regularly ask me, “Are we here, Mama?” He did so not in the way most kiddos do, not half an hour into a 14-hour car ride, but rather at the most unexpected moments: sitting on the floor stacking Legos, propped on my hip as I stirred […]
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